Show Your Home
How to Show Your Home to Buyers
So your home is prepared to be shown to prospective buyers, you’ve determined the right listing price and your ideal buyer, and your marketing plan covers all your bases. Now you’re ready to start showing your home. We’ve broken this step in the selling process down to five parts:
1. Flexibility is Key
As a seller, you need to be prepared to be inconvenienced by having to show your home to strangers regularly throughout the selling process. One of these strangers will end up being your buyer, so it is a critical part of the process. If you want top dollar for your home, you will need to be open and flexible in order to show potential buyers your home at a time that is convenient for them. In most cases, your buyers will have similar schedules and you won’t have to go too far out of your way to please them; weekends and evenings are the most popular showing times. However, some buyers will want to see your house at other hours, like early in the morning or in the middle of a week day. Just be patient and remember that all of your efforts will prove to be well worth the prize at the end.
2. Remove Yourself from Showings
Our experience in buying and selling homes has proven that buyers aren’t the most comfortable seeing a home when the seller is around. We recommend you run your errands or go check out that new coffee house down the street when your house is being shown, so potential buyers can look at the house on their own. Buyers feel most comfortable when they are able to explore at their own pace and feel free to make honest observations of your house within earshot of their agent (and not you).
3. Keep Up With the Upkeep
As we recommended in the Preparing Your Home section of our Seller’s Guide, make sure your home is always in top condition, ready to be shown at a moment’s notice. This means folding the laundry, making beds, cleaning the cat box, and putting the dishes away. Treat your home like a hotel and keep it constantly prepared for new visitors.
4. Give Open Houses a Chance
Though some statistics suggest that open houses don’t sell the most homes, your home could be the exception — and our open houses constantly prove those stats wrong. Open houses enable potential buyers to see the house in a low-key, relaxed setting. There is less pressure on a potential buyer when they are viewing the house among other interested buyers. If they walk in and really love it, the presence of other people viewing the house could also incentivize your ideal buyer to make an offer right away. Learn how to avoid a common open house mistake from the experts.
5. Learn to Take Constructive Criticism
We understand that people become emotionally attached to their houses, but not everyone will think your house is special. If they raise concerns, listen. Take their perspective and opinions into account, so you are able to respond appropriately and maybe make some tweaks to avoid similar critiques with the next potential showing.
How Accattato & CO. Real Estate and Our Talented Agents Can Help You Show Your House
When you sell your house with us, you will:
1. Get access to our vast network of buyers, real estate agents, and professional services.
2. Have our commitment to selling your house — that’s our only focus! Obtain real feedback from showings and open houses.
3. Stay in constant contact with us on the status of your home.
4. Know you’ve got the best, with Accattato & CO. Real Estate on your side to help you sell your home.